Tuesday 5 January 2016

02- Inital Ideas

Initial Thoughts:

The magazine I’ve chosen to use as inspiration is NME. This is because it’s primarily indie/alternative music and reflects my music taste. I’m going to focus my genre on modern indie music, and I plan to have this consistency throughout all the pages.

The front cover is going to be loud, but at the same time subtle, a little like the colour and style on the Artic Monkeys magazine.

Like the Paramore cover, I want to have the artist looking directly at the camera face on, as it looks powerful and effective to the target audience (enticing.)

The way NME place the artist name very clearly on the cover helps draw in potential customers who may see their favourite artist and therefore pick it up. NME tend to make a bold statement with their covers, which is what I want mine to reflect.

They have usually got only two main colours (Black and white, then one other colour), so that it isn’t too messy and looks neat on the shelf.

NME have had backgrounds and plain backgrounds on their covers, but most of the time if there is a background it isn’t busy and ties in with the colour scheme well.

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